能测量全电力参数包括电压 U、电流 I、有功功率 P、无功功率 Q、视在功率 S、功率因数 PF、频率。
其中电压 U 保留 1 位小数,频率 F 保留 2 位小数,电流 I 保留 2 位小数,功率 P 保留 3 位小数。
如:U = 220.1V,f = 49.98Hz, I = 1.99A,P = 0.439kW 仪表同时提供以上电参量高速响应寄存器,见第 9 章通讯说明。
ADL400N三相导轨式多功能电能表,是主要针对电力系统,工矿企业,公用设施的电能统计、管理需求而设计的一款智能仪表,产品具有精度高、体积小、安装方便等优点。集成常见电力参数测量及电能计量及考核管理,提供上48 月的各类电能数据统计。具有2~31 次分次谐波与总谐波含量检测。带有RS485 通信接口,可选用MODBUS-RTU 或DL/T645 协议。该电力仪表可广泛应用于各种控制系统,SCADA 系统和能源管理系统中。产品符合企业标准Q31/C035-2017《导轨式安装电能表企业标准》的要求。
ADL series DIN-rail mounted multifunctional electric energy meter is an intelligent instrument mainly designed for new energy power generation systems such as photovoltaic grid-connected system, micro inverter system, energy storage system, AC coupling system, etc. The product has the advantages of high precision, small volume, high respondent speed and convenient installation. The product has the features of sampling, metering and monitoring power parameters, communicating with an inverter or an energy management system (EMS), realizing the functions of preventing reverse flow, regulating power generation, charging and discharging batteries according to real-time power and accumulated electric energy, and realizing bidirectional metering and household distributed photovoltaic energy management.