The MC series pulse dust collector is a practical product produced by our company. It has the advantages of simple structure, convenient repair maintenance, flexible operation, stable reliable operation. It is an ideal environmental protection equipment with high cost perfmance atmospheric appearance. Adhering to the principles of safety, economy application, taking into account the beauty of the fine design, we should advanced mature technology, stable reliable system, convenient management, no secondary pollution treatment technology; ing equipment, instruments other types in accdance with the principles of reliability, economy application.
High power industrial vacuum cleaner
Design standard for filter cartridge filters JB/T10341-2002
Grading of paint quality on the surface of dust collector GB/T53134-1994
Air cleaner GB/T18801-2002
Ambient air quality standard GB/3095-1996
Comprehensive emission standards for air pollutants GB16297-1996
Hygienic standard for design of industrial enterprises TJ36—79
Electrical equipment for combustible dust environment GB12476.1-2000
Dust explosion safety regulations GB15577-2007
High power industrial vacuum cleaner
Adhere to the principles of safety, economy, application and aesthetic design.
选择工艺优良成熟、系统稳定安全可靠、管理方便、无二次污染的 治理技术;
Select the treatment technology with excellent mature technology, stable and reliable system, convenient management and no secondary pollution.
The selection of equipment and meters is based on the principle of reliability, economy and applicability.
• Power use, transparent blower, aluminum body, suction noise low vibration.
•脉冲反吹清灰系统,滤芯可通过清理重复使用,喷吹 法多角度喷吹,清灰更。
• In the pulsed back blowing system, the filter core can be reused through cleaning and repeated use.
•过滤采用进口PTFE覆膜聚酯滤料,过滤效率达99% , 表面光滑,易于反吹,配快速法兰接头,更换快捷。
• The filter is made of imported PTFE coated polyester filter material, which has a filtration efficiency of 99%.
• Intelligent control, can be set according to the use of automatic reverse blowing.
• Lack of phase protection, super remote control, high power load.
High power industrial vacuum cleaner