砂轮机集尘器厂家 工业集尘器 性质及特点: 1)工业吸尘鼓风机,在抛光、切割、打磨、破坏、焚烧(燃烧)、等工业出产过程中,发生碎屑、烟雾、粉尘等微细颗粒物,通过除尘设备把这些微细颗粒物从气体平分离出来的过程为工业除尘的过程。 2)除尘设备包罗:吸尘罩、除尘管道、除尘器、风机等部门构成。 3)吸尘罩:吸尘罩的外形与大小按照产尘点的大小和所需要的风速来决定,吸尘罩需要尽量的接近产尘点,吸尘罩的断面风速要足以降服颗粒物的重力和四周的风速,别的,吸尘罩的设想需要尊随两个准绳!
8.一机多用,可在不同工序中使用吸尘器,能提供特定的解决方案;The built-in high-efficiency and energy-saving fan is equipped with a unique turbine, which has the advantages of large air suction, strong suction, stable operation, strong suction, large dust storage volume, long service life, high temperature resistance and other advantages. The electrical part adopts Schneider, Siemens and other well-known brands.
砂轮机集尘器厂家 集尘器 作为一种除尘设备,目前已广泛应于各工业部门。近年来,随着国民经济的发展以及愈来愈严格的环境保护要求,高压除尘器在产量上有了相当大的增长,品种也日渐增多。因此,在设计工作中合理地选定磨床集尘设备的基本参数,正确地进行除尘系统设计,不仅对于控制污染、保护环境有重要作用,而且对于提高设备处理含尘气体的能力,降低设备投资从而减少工程造价,也具有极重要的经济意义。
As an efficient dust removal equipment, it has been widely used in various industrial sectors. In recent years, with the development of national economy and more and more strict environmental protection requirements, the output of high pressure precipitator has a considerable increase, and the varieties are increasing day by day.
1. The assembly structure of the filter cylinder is completely different from that of the LL type inclined insert drawer type, but the vertical assembly structure is adopted. Its advantages are: (1) small footprint; (2) The efficiency of pulse-jet ash cleaning is improved by 25 ~ 30% compared with LL type oblique drawer structure, so that the efficiency of the filter cartridge with the same area unit is improved by 25 ~ 30%.