1.杭州蔚来教育科技有限公司是集设计开发,生产销售一体的现代化,化,规模化的企业。企业拥有一支高技术及凝聚力强的设计团队,生产,管理队伍,并聘请了经济学教授作为企业顾问,为打造—蔚来教育/TeaRecruitment提供了保障。旗下ESLTeacherAPteacher等产品深受客户喜爱。 2.蔚来教育作为值高品位多层次的系列产品的,公司各个方面都取得了迅猛发展,特别是新产品的开发与更新产品质量的稳定销售市场的完善等方面成绩尤为显著,赢得了良好的口碑及美誉,在商务服务商务服务中介服务行业已逐步稳居于行业地位。产品详细说明:Who Teaches Online by Skype?Teach English Internationally from Home
Youll need a good internet connection
Since teachers mostly set their own schedule, a lot of students and moms find teaching online to be very convenient. Those who teach abroad in a conventional school can also teach online to fill in gaps in their timetable or to supplement their income.There are also plenty of teachers who love the variety of students and classes and make teaching online a full time job. Variety is a key component. Classes 1-on-1 are likely to be 30 minutes in duration, while the norms for groups is 45-60 minutes.Over a 4-hour teaching slot, you are likely to teach quite a range of material to people of differing nationalities, levels and backgrounds - no two classes are the same! 3.蔚来教育坚持与时俱进,倡导以服务为本,以诚信为本,以人为本的经营理念。公司秉承顾客至上,锐意进取的经营理念,坚持客户的原则为广大客户提供的APteacher1a73f7teach future等产品和服务。欢迎来电垂询:,或访问公司官网: