产品别名 |
LB-52A进口焊条,LB-52A日本焊条,E7016神钢焊条,E7016低合金焊条 |
面向地区 |
产地 |
日本 |
材质 |
低合金 |
加工定制 |
是 |
型号 |
LB-52A,E7016 |
药皮性质 |
碱性焊条 |
类型 |
结构钢焊条 |
西安骏焊代理日本神钢焊条焊丝 电厂镍基焊条镍基焊丝 不锈钢焊条焊丝 耐热钢焊条焊丝 耐候钢焊条焊丝 低温钢焊条焊丝 低合金焊条焊丝 铸铁焊条焊丝 耐磨堆焊药芯焊丝 埋弧焊丝 明弧焊丝等特种焊接材料进口焊条进口焊丝
RB-26 A5.1 E6013 Capable of vertical downward welding. [F] Z-44 A5.1 E6013 Lower fume emissions.
[F] B-33 A5.1 E6013 Better bead appearance. [F] B-10 A5.1 E6019 Deeper penetration than E6013.
[F] B-14 A5.1 E6019 Better X-ray soundness.
[F] B-17 A5.1 E6019 Higher resistance to hot cracking. Thick plate joints
[F] LB-26 A5.1 E7016 For mild steel. Higher deposition rates.
[F] LB-47 A5.1 E7016 For mild steel. Better X-ray soundness.
[F] LB-52 A5.1 E7016 Typical electrode for 490MPa HT steel.
[F] LB-M52 A5.1 E7016 Extra-low hydrogen. Harmless fumes.
[F] LB-52A A5.1 E7016 Extra-low hydrogen. HIgher resistance to cold cracking.
[F] LB-52UL A5.1 E7016 Ultra-low hydrogen. Moisture resistant.
[F] LB-57 A5.1 E7016 Suitable for 520MPa HT steel. Extra-low hydrogen.
[F] LB-76 A5.5 E7016-G Suitable for 520MPa HT steel.
[F] LB-52RC A5.1 E7016 Suitable for HIC resistant steel.
[F] LB-52-18 A5.1 E7018 Higher deposition rates. Better usability with DCEP.
[T] LB-7018-1 A5.1 E7018-1 Higher deposition rates. Excellent low-temp notch toughness.