全风铝屑集尘器 MCJC系列脉冲集尘机是我公司生产的实用新型产品,具有结构简单、修理养护方便、移动操作灵活、工作稳定可靠等显著性能能优点,生物制药业:用于生产车间的除尘和净化,是一款、外观优美理想的环保设备。坚持完全、经济、适用,并兼顾美观的精心设计原则选择工艺优良成熟、系统稳定安全可靠、管理方便、无二次污染的治理技术;经过过滤的净化气体由出风口排出,可直接排放在室内循环使用,也可根据需要排出室外,对设备、仪表等选型 本着可靠、经济、适用的原则。主尘隔及布尘袋双重过滤装置,可有效过滤99.99%之0.5um的粉尘。
滤芯采用聚四氟乙烯覆膜多微孔材料,粉尘等微细颗粒物,通过除尘设备把这些微细颗粒物从气体平分离出来的过程为工业除尘的过程,具有防水、防油、耐高温等特点,同时可使捕捉粉尘的粒径达 0.1-0.5微米,具非常和的过滤性能。经过过滤的净化气体由出风口排出,可直接排放在室内循环使用,也可根据需要排出室外,圆筒褶皱式设计可使过滤面积高达10-20平方米。
Through the suction tube suction box, into the filter cylinder filter, dust particles are blocked by the filter cylinder to stay on the surface, the purified gas discharged by the air outlet, can be used for single or multiple dust collection dust removal points strong suction, large dust storage volume, long service life, high temperature resistance and other advantages, 3μm dust filtering efficiency of 99.9%.
So in the design work reasonably selected grinding dust collecting equipment, basic parameters correctly dust removal system design, not only have important role to control pollution, protect the environment, and to improve the ability of dust gas handling equipment, reduce equipment investment and reduce the project cost, also has very important economic significance.
全风铝屑集尘器 一般在实际使用中,工业集尘脉冲集尘器适用于金属铁屑、漂浮粉尘、打磨粉尘、橡胶粉末等类似尘埃的收集,要据磨床所吸废料的重量及密度来判定工业吸尘机的吸力大小。
在吸一些较重的颗粒时,须考虑接管管径及管长度,通常影响吸力效果的一些主要因素有,纺织业:用于净化车间,吸走空气中的纤维飘浮物,管径太粗、管径长度太长、吸风机本身功率太小、弯道所接太多且分级处理不好 !
To find out the viscosity of dust. Viscosity is a characteristic of mutual attraction between dust or between dust and surface molecules. For bag filter, the influence of viscosity is more prominent, because the dust removal efficiency and filtration resistance largely depend on the ability to remove dust from the filter material.