2200粉末烟尘集尘器 一、有无吸力控制装置
滤筒 或过滤袋是工业吸尘器的关键部件,较为容易被金属等利物损坏。部分工业吸尘器在吸尘刷上装有电磁铁,能吸住碎铁屑、刀片、针等,以避免它们进入吸尘器内部损伤尘袋。
滤筒捕捉粉尘的粒径达 0.3-0.5微米,具非常和的过滤性能,容缸部分比其他吸尘器容量大,工业吸尘器菂容缸普遍大于商用及家用吸尘机,且考虑到大容量垃圾污物菂清理工业吸尘器设计菂容缸移动和倾倒均很方便。适用工况:适于粉尘量很大的漂浮、悬浮粉尘收集与治理,或者根据情况菂不同配备不同菂垃圾箱或者是回收箱,以解决工业吸尘领域菂回收问题.常见菂是前置器的介入,可以加大容量, 分离不同材质的回收物, 可以弥补不同设计的工业吸尘机的一些不足之处。磨床机床吸尘器对中等比重的粉尘,以及比重较轻的非纤维性粉尘均有良好的除尘效果,配件部分采用金属材质和非标设计。
The automatic pulse ash cleaning system regularly cleans the dust attached to the filter to avoid dust. The filtered purified gas is discharged from the air outlet and can be directly discharged indoors for recycling. It can also be discharged outdoors as required to reduce the air resistance of the filter and improve the dust removal efficiency.
Filter element using polytetrafluoron film coated porous material, dust and other fine particles, through the dust removal equipment to separate these fine particles from the gas flat process for industrial dust removal process, with waterproof, oil resistance, high temperature resistance and other characteristics, and can make the particle size of dust up to 0.1-0.5 micron.With very outstanding and efficient filtration performance. The filtered purified gas is discharged from the air outlet, which can be discharged directly in the indoor circulation, or discharged outdoors according to the need. The cylinder fold design can make the filtering area as high as 10-20 square meters.
2200粉末烟尘集尘器 当含尘气体由进风口进入除尘器,碰到进出风口中间的斜板及挡板,气流便转向流入灰斗,同时气流速度放慢,由于惯性作用,使气体中粗颗粒粉尘直接流入灰斗。起预收尘的作用,进入灰斗的气流随后折而向上通过内部装有金属骨架的滤袋粉尘被捕集在滤袋的外表面,净化后的气体进入滤袋室上部清洁室,汇集到出风口排出,含尘气体通过滤袋净化的过程中,随着时间的增加而积附在滤袋上的粉尘越来越多,增加滤袋阻力,致使处理风量逐渐减少,为正常工作,要控制阻力在一定范围内( 140--170毫米水柱),一旦超过范围对滤袋进行清灰,清灰时由脉冲控制仪顺序触发各控制阀开启脉冲阀,气包内的压缩空气由喷吹管各孔经文氏管喷射到各相应的滤袋内,滤袋瞬间急剧膨胀,使积附在滤袋表面的粉尘脱落,滤袋恢复初始状态。清下粉尘落入灰斗,经排灰系统排出机体。由此使积附在滤袋上的粉尘周期地脉冲喷吹清灰,使净化气体正常通过,除尘系统运行。
Can be customized with electronic pulse counter-blowing dust device, through compressed air from the solenoid valve exhaust port instant blowing, forming a strong airflow, will cover the surface of the dust filter blowing back to the collection box; Backblowing interval time and backblowing cycle can be set for automatic backblowing of the filter cartridge.