集尘器集尘机 粉尘集尘器涵盖脉冲式 移动型、固定型、固液分离型、 工业集尘器等系列多种型号。产品融入了国际化的设计理念,着行业产品潮流,为中国汽车制造、造船、电力、石油化工、纺织、食品、制药、电子等行业坚持不懈地提供着完善及的技术咨询和快捷的产品服务,是发展的中国工业可信赖的工业吸尘设备供应商。适用于金属铁屑、石膏粉尘、水泥粉尘、橡胶粉末等类似尘埃和湿尘的收集。
具有可连续 24 小时使用,吸力强劲、储尘容积大、使用寿命长、可耐高温等优点,特别是工业吸尘器对吸取物几乎无要求,各类材质、各种形状的废弃介质物都可以吸取,通过对过滤介质,如滤芯、滤袋等的调整,可以吸收达 0.1 微米精度的固体颗粒物,可适用于精细化工、精密机械等行业。
In polishing, cutting, grinding, destruction, burning (burning), industrial production process, such as fine particulate matter such as debris, smoke, dust, dust can concentrate processing, no secondary pollution, no diffusion, dust can be recycled, saving the cost of the company, through the dust removal equipment to the fine particulate matter from gas separation process for industrial dust removal process.
集尘器 配件部分采用金属材质和非标设计:
工业集尘机菂配件菂设计为坚固。多数配件均采用钢铁结构,非常牢固不易损坏 . 同时可根据实际使用情况,特定不同规格的非标配件。
工业吸尘机的机箱外壳和垃圾桶均采用厚度达标菂钢板或铁板,机箱可以有效保护电机部分不被损坏 .
工业集尘器的袋式主尘隔经过特殊处理不易挂灰可有效过滤大量菂粉尘,同时可延长尘隔菂使用寿命 .HEPA 过滤器可根据客户菂使用场所不同选配置配 .
工业吸尘机菂电机均采用进口泵,同时要求 380V 的动力电源,强大的动力。
To find out the viscosity of dust. Viscosity is a characteristic of mutual attraction between dust or between dust and surface molecules. For bag filter, the influence of viscosity is more prominent, because the dust removal efficiency and filtration resistance largely depend on the ability to remove dust from the filter material.
cabinet body is divided into three parts of the structure, the upper part of the dust collector host, the middle part of the precision melt spray fabric bag filter dust, the lower part of the drawer type dust collection cabinet, easy to clean the dust. Reasonable design greatly save space, by the majority of industrial manufacturing and processing industry.In the suction of some heavy particles, it is necessary to consider the pipe diameter and pipe length, usually affecting the suction effect of some of the main factors are: the pipe diameter is too thick, the pipe diameter length is too long, the power of the suction fan itself is too small, the bend is connected too much and the grading is not good!
集尘器集尘机 新的脉冲除尘器在我们操作和使用的过程当中,非常的简单和方便,可以让一些比较细的一些灰尘会随着气流计入到箱体当中,通过过滤后,气体通过排风到排除,而灰尘则留下来,而我们现在的使用脉冲式的除尘器,主要就是可以通过脉冲喷灰的形式,可以将布袋当中的灰尘进行清灰,避免进气口被灰尘堵塞,所以在我们的使用过程当中,会给我们一个非常有效和的除尘效果,很少会出现故障,所以使用是非常的稳定。Products can be used to dust density is larger and more metal scraps, casting, grinding, such as lathe, grinding machine, milling machine, grinding machine, polishing machine, carbon powder, pigment, bakelite powder, such as lathe, grinding machine, milling machine, grinding machine, polishing machine, plastic powder and so on, and the proportion of secondary dust, such as cement, ceramic powder, gypsum powder, asbestos powder.