11kw柜式集尘器 - 适用的顶盖和容器锁紧系统,使机器操作安全方便
- 带有手推柄和移动轮子,方便移动转移
- 带有真空压力表,实时监控机器压力状况
- 脉冲反吹 过滤 除尘 装置,可以轻松的清洁过滤器;容器与过滤室整合为一体,适合收集数量少的粉尘
- 三相电机可以7*24小时连续工作,配合繁重的生产任务
- 过滤器等级为L,垃圾箱容易拆装、倾倒
- 配有电缆、插头和断路保护器,是立的真空清洁机
- 不锈钢喷涂树脂漆机身,符合GMP规则要求。
采用双频(50/60Hz)及宽电压的设计使其满足世界上所有地区的电压等级。采用NSK轴承,使得风机能够承受较高的工作温度,并且提高了风机的可靠性和使用寿命。 让机器可以连续长时间工作,具有可连续24小时使用,吸力强劲、储尘容积大、使用寿命长、可耐高温等优点,特别是工业吸尘器对吸取物几乎无要求,各类材质、各种形状的废弃介质物都可以吸取,通过对过滤介质,如滤芯、滤袋等的调整,可以吸收达0.1微米精度的固体颗粒物,可适用于精细化工、精密机械等行业。
And take into account the large capacity of garbage cleaning industrial vacuum cleaner designed cylinder movement and dumping are very convenient. Or according to the situation is equipped with different bins or recycling boxes, in order to solve the problem of recycling in the field of industrial vacuuming. The most common is the intervention of the preprocessor, can increase the capacity, the separation of different materials of recycling, can make up for some of the deficiencies of different designs of industrial vacuum cleaners.
especially suitable for polishing, grinding, sand cleaning and various mechanical processing process produced dust filtration.MC series pulse dust collector is an ideal environmental protection equipment with simple structure, convenient repair and maintenance, high cost performance and stable and reliable operation.
11kw柜式集尘器 抛光集尘器 打磨集尘机 粉尘除尘器 的注意:
8. 用完吸尘器后,应将吸尘器和附件用湿布擦拭干净,然后在空气中自然干燥。集尘袋内的污物要及时清除,如果暂时不再使用,还应用温水将集尘袋洗涤干净,然后在阳光下自然干燥。还应将刷子上的毛发和纸屑清除干净。
9. 要经常检查刷子的磨损情况,如发现磨损严重,则应更换。
10. 要经常检查吸尘器的各个固定部位,如有松动应随时紧固好。
11. 吸尘器电机上的电刷也容易磨损,要注意送修更换
12. 要经常检查吸尘头和排气口,防止堵塞。
13. 保护好吸尘器的软管,勿重压。
Can be customized with electronic pulse counter-blowing dust device, through compressed air from the solenoid valve exhaust port instant blowing, forming a strong airflow, will cover the surface of the dust filter blowing back to the collection box; Backblowing interval time and backblowing cycle can be set for automatic backblowing of the filter cartridge.