2200w工业除尘集尘器 降低员工职业病发病率,提高工作效率,保障操作人员安全, MCJC系列产品以外形美观、大风量、脉冲反吹清灰为特点,吸尘器在工业上的应用的就是在洁净室中的应用,采用一体化柜式结构,外形美观,专为粉体行业、化工行业、金属加工行业、木工家具行业等漂浮粉尘而设计,。过滤部分选择多重过滤,配置不同的材质过滤,不同的过滤结构及方式,配置透浦式引风机,日ben东丽聚酯纤维滤筒,别的过滤精度和效率。脉冲反吹清灰系统,滤芯可通过清理重复使用,喷吹法多角度喷吹,清灰更。
According to the dust characteristics, the filter cartridges with different high-efficiency filter materials can be selected, and the advanced compressed air automatic timing pulse ash cleaning can ensure the continuous low resistance operation of the dust collector. The filter adopts the vertical installation mode, and the back blowing effect is more effective than other installation modes.
工业吸尘器 高压吸尘器 柜式集尘机 脉冲集尘器 目前已广泛应于各工业部门。近年来,随着国民经济的发展以及愈来愈严格的环境保护要求, 中压 除尘器在产量上有了相当大的增长,品种也日渐增多。因此,在设计工作中合理地选定布袋除尘器的基本参数,正确地进行除尘系统设计,不仅对于控制污染、保护环境有重要作用,而且对于提高设备处理含尘气体的能力,降低设备投资从而减少工程造价,也具有极重要的经济意义。
According to the pulse of chamber stop wind blowing ash removal technology, overcome the conventional pulse dust catcher and chamber counter blowing dust shortcomings, improve product quality, increase the production performance, reduce the defective rate, soot cleaning ability, high dust collection efficiency, low emission concentration, air leakage rate is small, less energy consumption, less steel consumption, covers an area of less, stable and reliable operation, good economic benefit.
The automatic pulse ash cleaning system regularly cleans the dust attached to the filter to avoid dust. The filtered purified gas is discharged from the air outlet and can be directly discharged indoors for recycling. It can also be discharged outdoors as required to reduce the air resistance of the filter and improve the dust removal efficiency.
2200w工业除尘集尘器 集尘桶顶部由桶盖,过滤桶和下分离桶组成。桶盖凹槽出配有发泡密封胶条,铝合金泄压阀,反吹阀门,金属搭扣和反吹阀门组成。使用时把桶盖放在过滤桶的,然后将密封搭扣和过滤桶锁紧避免有漏气的现象而导致没有吸力或者吸力小。分离桶的作用是把吸入的垃圾以及其他废料集中收集方便于再次利用或处理,并配有万向移动轮和推手移动方便更轻松快捷。
初次使用的是不锈钢金属旋风分离器,可以把吸入集尘桶内的垃圾于过滤单元分离,避免吸入的尖锐物质或者铁屑类杂物损坏滤芯而影响使用。再次为过滤系统,材质为进口东丽覆膜材质制作,褶皱式结构可以加大过滤面积保带有足够的进风而提高吸尘速度。覆膜式设计可以提升过滤精度,过滤精度可以达到 0.28UM的粉尘粒子,从而达到排除的空气没有污染更加干净环保。
prolong the service life of production equipment, improve product percent of pass and decrease the rate of unqualified products play an important role.It is a kind of single-machine filter cartridge dust collector, used for dust removal, purification and waste recycling in production workshop, used for purification workshop, suck up the fiber floating in the air,