低噪音集尘器 在抛光、切割、打磨、粉碎、焚烧(燃烧)、等工业生产过程中,产生碎屑、烟雾、或者粉尘等微细颗粒物,用于工业生产过程中收集废弃物、过滤和净化空气、进行环境中粉尘及颗粒的清扫,通过除尘设备把这些微细颗粒物从气体中分离出来的过程为工业除尘的过程。过滤采用进口 PTFE覆膜聚酯滤料,过滤效率达99%,表面光滑,易于反吹,法兰接头更换快捷。
In the chemical industry can recover some expensive catalysis, and as a kind of environmental protection equipment, vacuum cleaner can effectively prevent the harm of some occupational diseases, such as welding workers pneumoconiosis, shoe factory leukemia.
脉冲除尘器 能合理的配套于切削、打磨、钻孔,印染,制药,陶瓷制作等行业的设备的清洁工作,适用于:化工厂、食品车间、机械车间等超细粉末、粉尘、灰土等如面粉、淀粉、硅胶粉、石墨、炭黑、金属粉末、水泥粉末、陶瓷粉末,能合理的配套于切削、打磨、钻孔,印染,制药,陶瓷制作等行业的设备的清洁工作,一些较重的物质,如钢丸、铁钉、石子等,并可同时吸一些液体状物质。
滤袋组合方便使用成本省,多用于干性大浓度粉尘的收集,脉冲除尘器广泛用于:五金、机械、汽车、航 kong、电子、食品、化工、医药等行业除尘、回收及配套使用。该系列产品采用电机风机一体式结构,具有寿命长、噪音低,能更有效的收集像陶瓷粉末、喷塑粉、硒鼓粉、金属 粉等类似的超细粉末;同时能清理铁屑、沙石、木屑和大量的灰尘,可吸少量的水或油,脉冲反吹清灰系统,可自动吹落吸附粉尘,如需吸大量液体需加装液体保护器。通过对过滤介质,如滤芯、滤袋等的调整,可以吸收达0.1微米精度的固体颗粒物,可适用于精细化工、精密机械等行业。To adopt different base material made of filter filter scheme is different also, device with a built-in automatic pulse ash removal device, to keep constant air volume absorption equipment, and the purification ability of constant, generally with glass fiber, chemical fiber, polyester, stainless steel filter such as base material, general industrial filter will have a variety of composite material of use in order to achieve environmental requirements.
低噪音集尘器 用于中小工件去毛刺、去飞边、倒棱角、除锈、去氧化皮、电镀前处理、及去除加工刀纹、工件表面光亮 抛光 , 镜面抛光 等。特别适合一些形状复杂、微型精密零件、异型易变形薄臂、窄缝、薄片工的件抛光难题。
去毛刺抛光机已泛用于机械制造、电子零部件、仪表仪器、轻工、钟表零件、纺织器材专件、汽车零部件、轴承行业、医疗器械、精密件、粉末冶金、五金冲压、工艺品、工具等多种行业领域。对于中小型精密工件去毛刺、去飞边、倒角、除锈、去氧化皮、去除加工纹痕、抛光、精抛光、镜面抛光等性能显著提高,可完全取代或昂贵的进口抛光设备,国内众多生产型企业直接受益。By the dust gas by the fan through vacuum tube suction box, enter the filter cartridge, cartridge dust particles are resistance in the surface, filtered out of the air purification air to escape from the outlet can be directly discharge cycle use indoors, can also be emitted according to need, the dust removal filter is a gravity, inertia force, collision, electrostatic adsorption, screen, etc. The result of comprehensive effect.