防爆集尘器 脉冲反吹滤筒除尘器是以压缩空气为清灰动力,利用脉冲喷吹机构在瞬间放出压缩空气,诱导数倍的二次空气高速射入除尘布袋内,使除尘布袋急剧膨胀,依靠冲击振动和反向气流而清灰的袋式除器。脉冲喷出袋式除尘器是一种除尘净化设备,采用脉冲喷吹的清灰方式,具有清灰效果好、净化、处理气量大、除尘布袋寿命长、维修工作量小、运行安全可靠等优点;但需要压缩空气,而且当供给的压缩空气压力不能满足要求时,清灰效果会大大降低。由于脉冲袋式除尘器优点,所以新建工程多采用 脉冲反吹滤筒除尘器 。
工业除尘机 应用领域:
能适用于各种种类粉尘之收集 如窑业、铸造、炼铜、炼铝、沥青拌合、水泥、 皮革、研磨、饲料、锅炉、 焚化炉、木业、食品、树 脂、化工、纺织 PCB电路等;也能有效处理钢铁、 非铁金属 、矿业、各种炉用集尘(化铁炉 熔解炉 焚化炉等)各种干燥、搅拌、混合排气集 尘的处理;亦常用于物料输送 粉尘回收等场所。In particular, the small dust collector has almost no requirements for absorbing materials, all kinds of materials, all kinds of shapes of waste media can absorb, through the adjustment of filter media, such as filter element, filter bag, can absorb solid particles up to 0.3 micron accuracy, can be used in fine chemical industry, precision machinery and other industries.
防爆集尘器 主要特点:
1.采用台湾中压离心抽风机,外观美观,结构紧凑; 2.吸尘箱体采用冷轧钣金加工焊接工艺,并水箱过滤沉降方式;
3.加载水泵可随时将磨削液循环,以利更好的磨铣工艺; 4.内置滤网式过滤抽屉,可将磨削水雾中的灰尘收集并处理;
5.运行噪音低,抽灰除尘稳定,清灰方便快捷; 6.配套损耗件少,安全可靠。The automatic pulse ash cleaning system regularly cleans the dust attached to the filter to avoid dust. The filtered purified gas is discharged from the air outlet and can be directly discharged indoors for recycling. It can also be discharged outdoors as required to reduce the air resistance of the filter and improve the dust removal efficiency.