铸铁件集尘器 脉冲粉尘集尘器 特点介绍:
气动脉冲反吹系统由气缸、电磁脉冲阀、 PLC控制器、压缩空气组成,脉冲阀的一端连接压缩空气储气缸,另外一端连接喷射管。脉冲集尘机适用于五金、机械、汽车、电子、食品、化工、医药等行业除尘设备配套使用,在阀盖上装有排气阀,排气阀由脉冲控制仪控制。滤袋组合方便使用成本省,多用于干性大浓度粉尘的收集,
当脉冲控制仪无信号发出时,脉冲电磁阀开始工作,每次喷吹清灰在 0.1~0.3S左右完成,就是这一瞬间喷出的高压空气起到良好的清灰效果。适于搅拌作业、震动筛网、空气输送、包装工程、封袋作业等,空气以高的流速进入过滤筒,使得过滤筒急剧膨胀,引起一次冲击振动,使附在过滤筒的粉尘被抖落,滤料表面吸附的微尘在气流作用下被抖落至集尘斗中。适于多工位作业的小型中央集尘系统。
特的台式设计非常 *,内置式除尘系统,风机隔声,无须管道连接,清洁后的空气可在室内循环排放,减少了能源开支。这种工作台既能有效捕捉细小悬浮尘埃而又不干涉工人的移动和视野,它是中、小型精细加工、不规则部件的理想选择。它可与的烟尘净化器连接,又可与激光切割系统连接。
As an efficient dust removal equipment, it has been widely used in various industrial sectors. In recent years, with the development of national economy and more and more strict environmental protection requirements, the output of high pressure precipitator has a considerable increase, and the varieties are increasing day by day.
铸铁件集尘器 现今工业吸尘器在很多领域中都有应用,工业吸尘器的发展将会越来越快,医药行业,电子行业,食品加工行业等。国家对医药行业的 GMP等级规定是硬性的。其中,一个重要的考核项目和指标便是清洁指标。工业集尘机是一种单机式滤筒除尘器,为立柜式箱形机体结构形式,而工业吸尘机因为其特殊功用,而成为医药生产性企业里不可省略的生产机械的一部分。
Filter core can be reused by cleaning, spraying method multi Angle spraying, dust cleaning more thoroughly, convenient, fast and practical. Pulse dust collector is a new type of efficient pulse dust collector improved on the basis of bag type dust collector. The wheels are made of polyurethane (PU), and the 4 inch casters can bear 150kg individually. The wheel surface is designed with grain pattern to enhance anti-skid performance. LO interface is reserved for online remote operation with automatic equipment.
Users can install the equipment inside and outside the room, high precision large area filter filtering accuracy of 0.3 micron, effectively ensure the surrounding work environment clean, and the exhaust wind is oil-free pollution-free, is clean, will not cause secondary pollution to the environment.