工业集尘器的脉冲反吹原理 脉冲反吹系统的组成由气缸、电磁脉冲阀、脉冲反吹控制仪、压缩空气组成。 脉冲阀的一端连接压缩空气储气缸,另一端连接电磁脉冲阀。排气阀由脉冲反吹控制仪控制。当脉冲反吹控制仪无信号发出时,排气阀的活动挡板处于封闭排气孔的位置 ;当程序控制仪发出信号时,活动挡板打开,储气缸的压缩空气迅速泄压,于是排气阀内部的波纹膜被压向相反方向,喷气口打开,压缩空气经脉冲阀进入滤筒进行喷吹清灰。当信号消失后活动挡板恢复至原来封闭排气阀的位置,波纹膜重新封闭喷气口,喷吹自动停止,每次喷吹清灰在0.1~0.2S 左右完成,就是这一瞬间喷出的高压空气起到良好的清灰效果,使附在过滤筒的粉尘被抖落,滤料表面吸附的微尘在气流作用下被抖落至集尘斗中。脉冲喷吹气压为0.4~0.6Mpa,且运行中须保持恒定不变的供气量。甚至于影响产品的合格率,从而在降低成本,用于生产车间的除尘、净化及剪切费料的回收,提高产品合格率和降低不良产品率方面发挥重要的作用。 easy to blow back, quick flange joint replacement.Used for industrial use to collect and absorb the waste medium particles, dust, smoke, oil and water generated in the process of production, operation and transportation. The advantages of industrial vacuum cleaner are mainly low energy consumption, less noise, stable operation, high filtration efficiency, large air volume, good filtration accuracy, high dust removal effect of filter cartridge.Ac power supply, large power, generally divided into 220V and 380V two, its working principle is the use of motor driven high pressure extension (or the use of all-in-one machine) in the limited volume of negative pressure,
供应工业锅炉除尘器 工业集尘脉冲集尘器适用于金属铁屑、石膏粉尘、水泥粉尘、橡胶粉末等类似尘埃和湿尘的收集。粉尘等微细颗粒物,通过除尘设备把这些微细颗粒物从气体平分离出来的过程为工业除尘的过程,可全天候 24 小时不停运作,配套各种精密机械,作业于机台设备、悬挂设备、天花板、墙壁、地面、角落等工况的清洁打扫。工业集尘机现今工业生产中一种非常常见的清洁清理设备主要作用是用来收集工业生产中所产生的粉尘,工业吸尘器采用旋风分离器作为一层过滤,再经过滤芯进行过滤。可根据粉尘特性,选择不同滤料的滤筒,普通滤芯过滤精度一般在 1 微米以上,但通过覆膜或采用特殊材料处理的滤芯,过滤精度可达到 0.3 微米以下。设备具有过热、短路保护功能,确保设备运行稳定安全, resulting in suction, medium is inhaled, filtered through the filter bag or filter barrel for two filtration, paper industry: Clean up paper scraps and dust during paper production and cutting.Ordinary type can only absorb water content generation of dry medium, dry and wet dual-use type can absorb the oil and water produced in the process of processing.