工业用除尘器风机 1、吸尘器吸力大小(当你选择吸尘器时用在什么地方,主要吸什么,颗粒大的还是颗粒小的,吸尘器吸力是关键,可定期对设备(表面及死角)进行清理,延长生产设备的使用寿命,说到吸力的话,可以考虑以下大吸力著称的全风高压风机)
当含尘气体从集尘机入口进入后,由导流管进入各单元室,在导流装置的作用下,大颗粒粉尘分离后直接落入灰斗,过滤采用进口 PTFE覆膜聚酯滤料,过滤效率达99%,表面光滑,易于反吹,法兰接头更换快捷,其余粉尘随气流均匀进入各仓室过滤区中的滤袋,当含尘气体穿过滤袋时,粉尘即被吸附在滤袋上,而被净化的气体从滤袋内排除。立柜式机体占地面积小,可加装万向脚轮,增加设备适用性,
And take into account the large capacity of garbage cleaning industrial vacuum cleaner designed cylinder movement and dumping are very convenient. Or according to the situation is equipped with different bins or recycling boxes, in order to solve the problem of recycling in the field of industrial vacuuming. The most common is the intervention of the preprocessor, can increase the capacity, the separation of different materials of recycling, can make up for some of the deficiencies of different designs of industrial vacuum cleaners.
有效的收集像陶瓷粉末、喷塑粉、硒鼓粉、金属 粉等类似的超细粉末,立柜式箱形机体结构、占地面积小
工业吸尘机配置的 380V工业电机基本上均可24小时连续工作同时坚固,采用滤筒过滤,适合高温、高磨性、粘性、干湿性等各类粉尘的收集
滤筒竖装结构,清灰效果好,脉冲反吹清灰系统,滤芯可通过清理重复使用,喷吹法多角度喷吹 ,清灰更,保持低压损状态
脉冲反吹清灰系统,滤芯可通过清理重复使用,喷吹法多角度喷吹 ,清灰更,对3μm的粉尘过滤效率达99.9%。
This series of products adopt motor fan integrated structure, with long service life, low noise, (you can choose the power size of the vacuum cleaner according to customer site, also can be customized according to customer site requirements. The left and right sides of the equipment are equipped with air suction outlets, which can be selected according to requirements.
工业用除尘器风机 1、MCJC系列采用智能模块集成设计模式,全自动脉冲喷吹清灰方式,经济型清灰方式,功率、风量、真空度、吸口口径、吸口位置、吸口数量等可根据具体需求进行定制设计;
2、粉末工业除尘器双侧面吸口可自由配置,HEPA过滤器 (可达到0.01—0.3uM等)或者添加旋风分离器提高过滤效果,可根据需求加装自由活动臂延展工作面,同时可以在闲置侧加装泄爆阀,JC系列磨床集尘器工作的安全性;
In the outer layer of the ordinary filter material, and then cover a layer of ultrafine fiber layer, so that the filtering effect has an essential improvement. The filtered dust only stays on the surface of the ultrafint-fiber layer of the filter material, so the filtration resistance is greatly reduced, the power consumption is saved by more than 30%, the energy saving effect is remarkable, and the dust cleaning is very thorough. At the same time, it also solves all kinds of difficult problems such as ultrafine dust and fibrous dust.