自动化加工吸尘脉冲集尘器 动力采用,透浦式鼓风机,设备具有过热、短路保护功能,确保设备运行安全,铝合金机身、吸力大噪音低
过滤采用进口 PTFE覆膜聚酯滤料,过滤效率达99%,滤筒采用垂直装配结构,滤筒的拆换十分方便;对一般粉尘,滤筒可长期使用不需更换,表面光滑,易于反吹,法兰接头更换快捷
预留 LO接口,设备内置自动脉冲清灰装置,保持设备恒定的吸风量,和恒定的净化能力,可与自动化设备联机进行远程操作
坚持安全、经济、适用 ,并兼顾美观的精心设计原则,精工细作,只为品质、工业集尘脉冲集尘器采用不同的基材制作的滤芯所应对的过滤方案也不一样,安全可靠、方便、无二次污染的治理技术对设备、仪表等选型本着可靠、经济、适用的原则。
工业集尘脉冲集尘器采用不同的基材制作的滤芯所应对的过滤方案也不一样,工业集尘机 工业吸尘器厂家种类:脉冲反吹自动除尘器,手动震尘吸尘器,移动式吸尘器,强力高压吸尘器,固定式吸尘器,防爆吸尘器,工业吸尘器,布袋吸尘器,直流吸尘器,工业集尘机,吸尘风机,除尘风机等等!该系列产品采用电机风机一体式结构,具有寿命长、噪音低,(可以根据客户现场选择吸尘器功率大小,也可以根据客户现场要求非标定制。设备左右侧均设有吸风口,可根据需求选择。
The dust on the filter bag periodically pulse blowing ash, so that the purification gas through normal, ensure the operation of the dust removal system, and industrial vacuum cleaner because of its special function, and become a part of the production machinery can not be omitted in the pharmaceutical production enterprises.
自动化加工吸尘脉冲集尘器 集尘器 过滤系统:颗粒粉尘和微细粉尘粉尘及烟雾的区分,脉冲工业集尘器针对细微颗粒 细微粉尘及烟雾的吸附,提高企业形象及清洁车间环境吗,有利于员工工作的稳定性,脉冲反吹清灰系统,可自动吹落吸附粉尘,滤芯可通过清理重复使用,喷吹法多角喷吹,清灰更。除铸造过程中产生的的废砂、金属毛刺、氧化铁皮;清理淤泥,布袋集尘机主要针对颗粒粉尘,易收集,不易飞散型。
Industrial vacuum cleaner is a kind of environmental protection cleaning equipment commonly used in industry. The wheels are made of polyurethane (PU), the bracket is made of 2.5mm pickling plate to increase the reinforcement, and the 4 inch castor can bear 150kg individually. The wheel surface is designed with grain pattern to enhance the anti-skid performance. Mobile casters are installed at the bottom of the equipment, which can be easily moved to the location required by customers.