齐白石在北京定居后,内心却是“故里山花此时开也”,的思想轨迹。齐白石不可能将家乡草木赶过黄河带到北京,但家乡草木却作为一种自然信息随齐白石来到北京,并化作艺术信息传达出来,以实现齐白石心理的平衡。齐白石刻了许多寄托着怀乡之情的闲文印,如“吾家衡岳山下”、“客中月光亦照家山”,是齐白石自抒胸臆的主题。齐白石写了许多的怀乡诗, 如:“登高时近倍思乡,饮酒簪花更断肠,寄语南飞天上雁,心随君侣到星塘。”又如“饱谱尘世味,夜夜梦星塘”、“此时正是梅开际,老屋檐前花有无”,这些诗句是齐白石“夜不安眠”、“枕上愁余”时所些的肺腑之语。变法和着变意,变意和着变法,乡心伴着童心,童心也总念乡心。
齐白石松柏高立图·篆书四言联 42550万
齐白石辛未(1931年)作山水册册页 19435万
齐白石 1942年作可惜无声·花鸟工虫册册页 9520万
齐白石芭蕉书屋立轴 9315万
齐白石花鸟 9200万
齐白石 1954年作祖国颂立轴 8280万
齐白石丙戌(1946)年作高立千年立轴 8050万
齐白石牧牛图立轴 7751万
The works of Zhong Kui, Shou Xing and Xian Fu written by Qi Baishi are also the objects on the lips of farmers when chatting. This kind of work is the natural revelation of the love knot of Qi Baishi's love to the countryside and the nature of children's true love, the desire of "transmitting my son and grandson by the agricultural spectrum", and a self-conscious expression of the peasant consciousness that is different from the "poetic book to the home". When Qi Baishi painted "cabbage pepper", not only the contrast between red and black, but also "the peony is the king of flowers, the litchi is the first fruit of the fruit, only the Chinese cabbage is the king of the vegetable", and it is indignant. In the question sentence about the Chinese Cabbage, Qi Baishi said "it is not the only flavor, it needs to know that this is the farmer". "No," It is the confession of the old farmer in the farming map that he knows this taste and the three generations of his ancestors bite their roots. It is Qi Baishi's self affirmation that does not conceal his true nature and nature.