本厂生产:纪念币、纪念章、金币、银币、纯银纪念币、纯银纪念章、纪念银盘、徽章、纯银徽章、景泰蓝徽章、珐琅徽章、烤漆徽章、烤漆滴胶徽章、贴纸滴塑徽章、金属徽章、烂板腐蚀徽章、校徽、帽徽、胸徽、胸章、胸针、胸牌、保安帽徽、肩章、臂章、奖章、、奖牌、金银铜牌、运动会奖牌、奥运章、亚运章、奥运牌、铭牌、标牌、证章、钥匙扣代币、领带夹、袖扣、金属商标、金属吊牌、纯银工艺品、金属工艺品、纪念品、佛教工艺品、金属礼品、游戏币、古钱币、大奖章、筹码、硬币、金属代币... 我们提供从产品设计,开发,制造到销售的整体解决方案。经过多年的努力和发展,已成为温州有实力的生产厂家。 目前,我们拥有一系列的工艺和设备,包括绘图、设计、制模、冲压、液压、压铸、移印(6色移印)、抛光、电镀、点漆、珐琅、滴塑、包装。同时,我们对于客户的需求也有一个更全面的了解。 我们专心致力于提供,可靠,值产品,为你的财富增值而努力。Ping Yang Hua Chuang Arts & Crafts Factory is committed to professional production of badges, commemorative coins, medals,exquisite keychain,and other business gifts and promotional crafts. We provide total solution from product design, development, manufacture and sale. After years of efforts and development, it has become the most powerful manufacturers in Wenzhou Our factory is located in Pingyang County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China. It was started in 1992, as a family-style business model. With the expansion of market demands and its own development needs, the factory was officially registered as “Hua Chuang Arts & Crafts Factory” on April 27, 2010.At present, we have a series of advanced technology and equipment including drawing, design, molding, stamping, hydraulic, die-casting, pad printing(Six-color pad printing), polishing, plating, paint, dripping,packaging. We also have a better comprehensive understanding of customers’ needsWe are dedicated in delivering high quality, reliable and cost effective products and value added services, as well as striving for utmost benefits and satisfaction to our customers.Please believe that “Hua Chuang” will create more value for you. Welcome to contact us. We will give you the best service.
详细资料 | |
公司名称 | 平阳县华创工艺品厂 |
企业法人 | 陈嘉华 |
所在地 | 浙江温州 |
企业类型 | 个体经营 |
成立时间 | 2010年04月28日 |
注册资金 | 无需验资 |
主营行业 | 纪念币 |
主营产品 | 纪念币,银币,徽章,纪念章,奖章,奖牌,珐琅徽章,金... |
主营地区 | 平阳县昆阳镇九街30号 |
经营模式 | 或其他机构 |
经营范围 | 工艺品加工、销售。 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司邮编 | 325499 |
公司电话 | 0577-63882508 |
- 陈嘉华
- 浙江
- 纪念币
- 纪念币,银币,徽章,纪念章,奖章,奖牌,珐琅徽章,金...
- 平阳县昆阳镇九街30号
- 陈嘉华
- 18958952739
- 平阳县华创工艺品厂
- 325499
- 平阳县昆阳镇九街30号