东莞市悦冠贸易有限公司位于广东省东莞市凤岗镇,主要研发,销售水陆两用潜水泵,工艺流水潜水泵等,另外还在开发各种规格的UV灯,照明灯等水族器材,园林器材。我司拥有自己的品牌“水黾”(shuimin)。水黾是水生半翅目类昆虫, 半翅目,黾蝽科。学名Aquarlus elongatus,栖息于静水面或溪流缓流水面上。身体细长,非常轻盈,长着具有油质的细毛,具有防水作用.正是因为这种特质,我司以水黾名字命名潜水泵的品牌,就是想让产品的品质能做到和水黾一样,潜入水底时能全面防水,平稳,安静。浮出水面时能快,猛。这也就是水陆两用潜水泵扬程和流量要求的特性所在。本公司做到以掌握市场为导向,以客户为核心的服务理念,为广大客户创造,生产更加合适的产品!产品欧美地区,以及东南亚周边国家,在国内也得到广大客户的鼎力支持!公司愿与客户一起开拓更加的水族器材,园林器材,共同创造辉煌的明天!Dongguan Yue Guan Trading Co., Ltd is located in Fenggang town of Dongguan city in Guangdong Province.The main research and development, sales amphibious submersible pumps, submersible pumps, such as technology, also in the development of a variety of UV lamps, lighting and other aquarium equipment, garden equipment. Division I has its own brand "water strider." Water striders are aquatic hemiptera insects, Hemiptera, Strigidae. The name Aquarlus elongatus, habitat in the surface of the water or a slow stream surface. Body slender, very light, with a fine hair with oil, with a waterproof effect.It is because of this trait, I named the Secretary of water strider brand submersible pump, is to make the product quality and water strider can do , Diving into the bottom when the full waterproof, smooth, quiet. When the surface can be fast, fierce. This is the amphibious submersible pump head and flow characteristics of the requirements.We put the need of customer as the core spirit of our company, Our products sold to the European and American area, as well as neighboring countries of southeast Asia, And in the domestic, we also receive the support of our guests! We all staff of Dongguan Yue Guan Trading Co., Ltd. welcome you to visit us, We will develop more perfect aquarium equipment market, Let’s get together to create a brilliant tomorrow!!
详细资料 | |
公司名称 | 东莞市悦冠贸易有限公司 |
企业法人 | 黄雄 |
所在地 | 广东东莞 |
企业类型 | 私营股份有限公司 |
成立时间 | 2015年06月15日 |
注册资金 | 人民币200万 |
主营行业 | 水族 |
主营产品 | 水族,假山喷泉水泵,流水工艺品水泵,植物培植加... |
主营地区 | 东莞市凤岗镇五联村碧湖大道东1号明辉大厦5楼505室 |
经营模式 | 或其他机构 |
经营范围 | 销售、网上销售:五金制品、橡胶制品、塑胶制品、电子产品、通用机器设备、日用百货、化妆品、文体用品、通讯设备、办公设备及耗材、服装、家具、国内货运代理、陆路国际货运代理服务;货物进出口。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓 |
是否提供OEM | 否 |
公司邮编 | 523000 |
公司电话 | 0769-82039209 |
- 黄雄
- 广东
- 水族
- 水族,假山喷泉水泵,流水工艺品水泵,植物培植加...
- 东莞市凤岗镇五联村碧湖大道东1号明辉大厦5楼505室
- 黄雄
- 东莞市悦冠贸易有限公司
- 523000
- 东莞市凤岗镇五联村碧湖大道东1号明辉大厦5楼505室